One of the most impressive hike you can do in Apuseni Mountains is Scarita Belioara Path; I will let the picture to speak instead of giving details by writing
The map is marked with the places were the pictures was made ( all the pictures was made in 2013 or 2015 – late and early October )
I also have a clip that might open the appetite for this part of Carpathians
All you need is standard hiking equipment , a map as in the picture or on the smartphone , food , water and a photo camera ; transfer and assistance from Targu Mures , Sighisoara , Cluj etc. …available on request ; in the area there are some pensions and houses ( decent and cheap accommodation)
Recomandam urcarea in rezervatie prin dreapta, pentru ca nu ridica probleme de orientare si ofera panorame mai spectaculoase. Pornim deci pe drum, pe langa valea Rastoaca, un mic afluent al vaii Belioara, avand in dreapta culmea Bradatel si in stanga baza abruptului care mascheaza culmile de mai sus.